The purpose of international insurance is to cover accidents that may occur from the shipment of the goods to the arrival at the importer's establishment
MSP Logística has partnered with insurance brokers that operate with main insurers in the world. Usually the coverage of the insured object includes the value of the goods and international freight. It's possible to make additional coverage including taxes and charges.
Insurance is a contractual relationship involving the insurer, a company that assumes the risk; the broker, which intermediates the operation; and the contractee, who owns the cargo. The insurer has the right to appeal against the tortfeasor to try to recover part or the entire amount indemnified to the insured.
The most used policies are:
Separate Policy: Covers a single shipment. It's indicated for customers with low volume of shipments. The value is a bit more expensive and the premium is paid before the trip.
Open or Annotation Policy: Covers several shipments. It's indicated for customers with regular or large volumes. The value is cheaper and the client communicates transactions through annotations.
It's very important to check the type of basic coverage hired, because some customers don't notice them while quoting. There are several basic coverages, among which we highlight:
- Restricted Basic Coverage C - Damage to cargo caused basically by accident with the vehicle transporter. It's the simplest coverage and is usually used for heavier cargo with low malfunction.
- Aircrafts, its parts and pieces and Special Deposit.
- Restricted Basic Coverage A - covers "all risks" of losses and damages from external causes, except for the ones expressly excluded. It's the most complete coverage and usually used for sensitive loads.
Non indemnified damages by restricted basic coverages A/B/C are:
- Unlawful acts of the insured, beneficiaries and/or their representatives or agents;
- Common leak, natural loss of weight or volume, natural wear of the insured object;
- Insufficiency or inadequacy of packing or improper preparation of the insured object;
- Natural addiction or by the nature of the insured object. Example: oxidation or rust on iron;
- Delay, even if it's caused by the hedged risk. Example: there was a delay in shipment and oranges have become unfit for consumption;
- Insolvency or financial noncompliance of the owners, managers, charterers or operators of the vessel or aircraft;
- Lack of seaworthiness of means of transportation used to carry the insured object, if the insured or theiragents are aware of such conditions;
- Use of any war weapon, fission and/or atomic fusion or another similar force or radioactive matter;
- Contamination, pollution and environmental hazard caused by the insured object;
- Moral damages;
- Permanence of insured objects in deposits of the insured, shipper, consignee or agent;
- Damage or willful destruction of the insured subject-matter or any part thereof, for the tort of any person or persons, including acts of malicious intent, vandalism and sabotage.
To cover some risks as transhipment, diversion, war and similars, strikes, labor disturbances, riots or civil commotion, including terrorist acts, fines, tax and judicial obligations, it's necessary prior consultancy before the insurer and expressed stipulation in the policy.
When does the insurancy begin and end?
The beginning of the risks for coverage A/B/C is at the removal of the insured objects in the warehouse, and it ends when they are delivered to the final destination. The insurance will also expire 60 days after the arrival at the destination port, 30 days after arrival at the destination airport or 30 days after arrival at the border on road trips or with the sale of the cargo before the end of the trip.